TheoryFull set 106,000 JPY

50 HOLDS / 8 SETS / XS - XL

You don't have to do anything unusual.

Plenty of route setters are attempting to place unusual moves, quirky holds.
But these are traps and temptations.
Asking for something different without the basics will distort the challenge and the moves, and that distortion will be directed at the customer climbing it.

まDon't try to do anything different. You don't need to be told it will be interesting.
Do normal things normaly. In the long run, it's the best choice for you and your customers.
Just watch the climbers' reactions to their bodies, not their words, and chew on the difficulty and depth of what is "normal" as you gradually improve.

Your problems will already be unique as you're trying to figure out what's normal.

Now, let's start with this hold.
Route setting, the basics of holding, your first step to discovering something new.

theory - XLARGE 1

Grip Guide / TH-XL1.(1-4)

theory - LARGE 1

Grip Guide / TH-LG1.(1-5)

theory - LARGE 2

Grip Guide / TH-LG2.(1-5)

theory - LARGE 3

Grip Guide / TH-LG3.(1-5)

theory - MIDIUM 1

Grip Guide / TH-MD1.(1-6)

theory - SMALL 1

Grip Guide / TH-SM1.(1-5)

theory - XS 1

Footwork Guide / TH-FT1 / All holds has Same Direction

theory - XS 2

Footwork Guide / TH-FT2 / All holds has Same Direction

© 2019 Shojinholds
Nikko, JAPAN